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Free Preview - Mixed age

Wondering if Music Together is a fit for you and your family?  Join us for a free class to find out.  

Please select the session you would like to preview and a drop down of available classes will show.  Click on the one you want to reserve your spot. All classes are 45 minutes long.

If the times below do not work for you, please contact Jessica, 612-227-6675 to arrange for another time to visit.

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Tuition for all Music Together classes includes family materials to use at home (e.g., recordings of our award-winning music, illustrated songbook, parent education resources). See individual class type pages for details.

Day & Time Unit Ages Teacher Location Tuition  
Wed at 10:30 AM starts 1/8/25 1 0-5 Darcy Juhl Trapp Farm Park Shelter $0.00 Register!
Thu at 9:30 AM starts 1/9/25 1 0-5 Jessica Lee Trapp Farm Park Shelter $0.00 Register!
Sat at 9:30 AM starts 2/15/25 1 0-5 Darcy Juhl Trapp Farm Park Shelter $0.00 Register!